Cope to Hope Day 7: Waiting

Dear Friends,

The last month and a half of this pregnancy I've been suffering with migraines-  pretty frequently, about twice a day.  There were days I would drive home from work with one and I would have to press my fingers on my forehead to see enough to drive- scared, because Reagan was in the back and I didn't want to hurt her if we got in an accident.  They are painful and triggered by the light/noise and apparently my low iron.  So, I take some pills now and I wear prescription sunglasses-  even when I teach- to help me cope with them at work and home.
For a month and a half, I have been going through days of suffering with pockets of relief.  At first, I would just wait for my small moments of relief.  Then, I aimed a little higher and waited for the day I could only take one pill.  Now, as of today, I  worked my first full day without the sunglasses and it felt really good- not the wait, but the progress.

Friends, that's what I imagine our journey of waiting for Sabrina will feel like for a long time- days of suffering with pockets of relief.  

 I feel the Lord gifted me with this season of migraines to prepare me for my season of waiting on Sabrina.  As she still lies unconscious-  it pains me everyday.  However, I get pockets of relief when I think a memory of her, do something or go somewhere that reminds me of her, or hear an update.  And, that's a great start.  That's progress.

In a Crystal- controlled world, Sabrina would have been awake by now.  I would have visited her in the flesh already, showered her with gifts and love,  and we would have been making/praying out her recovery plan for the summer.  But, friends, obviously, I have no control over this world and neither do you.

I trust God's timing and I trust His purpose in ALL of this for Sabrina and ALL our lives.  I don't have a clear vision of pacing or progress from here on out.  But, I will celebrate with you, Sabrina, and her family along the way- whatever little victories look like.

Sabrina, you are a catalyst of God's plan for my life and all our lives.  For that, I am eternally grateful.  Waiting for you has been hard but we can keep waiting... we love you.
Love you.  Always,


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