An All About Me Post: The “Why” Behind My Blogging

Hi Readers-
I’m excited to see you again! Well, part of my break in posts was because my family was going to have a busy couple of weeks coming up and I didn’t want to be tempted to choose the screen over them.
However, I discovered that blogging was actually therapeutic for me.

It’s MY outlet in this busy world- away from my busy family- without physically being away.


Those of you who know me, know I.LOVE.TO.TALK.


It’s not because I’m extroverted. It’s because I process SO much internally in my heart and mind!

When I returned to work three years ago, they made me take a personality test and I scored a 9 out of 10 as an Introvert.
Surprise! SHOCKER to me too!
But it makes SO much sense now every time I think about it.

I can’t tell you how long I have struggled with being ok with BEING. ME.

I’ve always thought I stuck out instead of fit in. Even if my performance or achievement in areas were comparable or higher to others- my thoughts and ideas were in a league of their own.

When I would share ideas even as a kid , it seemed like no one fully understood.
I’m fun and creative, but in the weirdest ways. One of my favorite third grade memories was a story I called, “Booger the Blowfish.”


To throw an oxymoron in the mix and confuse me for three decades, I’ve always had a really strong draw to be with people, but I am naturally SO SHY. My small talk game sucked passed Hi! How are you? How are you handling the weather?
Then,Blank stare.
Next, Blank look down .
Finally, AKWARD pause.
(One or both of us walk away)

I think that’s why I walked around with candy so much and surrounded myself with food at all parties- So, I.DON’T.HAVE.TO.TALK.


Over time, I’ve learned more and more how to be socially competent. Small talk is still a struggle for me today, but I value loving people more than any of my insecurities.

AHHH.. insecurities. Yes, I still have them and I’m going to be such a girl for a moment and name them out. I fear failure. I fear what other people think of me. I fear not being accepted in any capacity. I fear being alone in the sense of companionship.. (not, actually in space or time, because introverts thrive and recharge on time alone.)

NONETHELESS. I let My Jesus take those fears and I wear my Big GIRL panties each day to help, work, and learn about whatever needs to be done.

I may not get everything done (which I’m getting better at accepting), but I give each day my best efforts.

I also realized something mind- blowing!
I think I’m just a gifted LEARNER.
Literally. Gifted. Check out how many of these attributes I carry on in all categories. 

This explains SO MUCH- this explains why I always feel so different. It’s really a freeing feeling!

So, I’m an introvert who finds “alone” time on this blog. I don’t want to give you advise or tell you how to live your life! I can’t even figure that out on my own most days.

I can just share my thoughts and tell you a couple of stories in between.

I don’t sleep much and am up a lot at night for the babies.

Now, I wish could sleep outside of that...but, most days, I function just fine on 3 hours of sleep... weird.. I know.
Truth- my thoughts keep me up a lot and, if I don’t address them some way, shape, or form...


My mind is always thinking!
So, I do a little of everything including this blog. I’ll enjoy it as long as it is not divisive or malicious to my family or others.
Thanks for reading and sharing your time.


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