Parenting: To Live My Life On Pause

 Dear Readers,

This is a picture compilation of the last few months....

Health and Hygiene needs...
Play and Play and More Play...
Then, the "Mommy, can you take a picture for my birthday list?" photos...
At the very bottom, is a picture of my office that piles up with work that needs to be done either for teaching, home, or school.
If I am learning anything good from Covid it is this.
My children need me to make them a priority.
If. I. don't. who. will.

The last two years has been a mixed array of shuffling my life around to get the kids figured out through Covid.  From schooling to counseling; breastfeeding to potty training; gymnastics to jujitsu- it's been quite a ride in areas:  mentally, physically, spiritually, and financially. 
To say that- Ben and I have been feeling spent- well, that's a bit of an understatement.
We've felt more like beat up on most days.
But, always, grateful when we stare at our little crew.

 They are a fierce and mighty bunch who inspire us and motivate us to do WHATEVER needs to be done to be better people. role models, and care-givers for their futures.
We. know. they. are. watching. us.- DAILY.
So, we take it seriously knowing that-
their security and approval  is best learned at home before they experience the harshness of the world's criticisms.

So, with this sentiment in mind,  Ben and I live our lives with a pause mode  as parents.
From diaper changes to meals, from hugs to timers; from words of correction to words of affirmation- it first takes a pause to enforce it all. 
So, pause, we  shall continue to do.
Even when its inconvenient and uncomfortable.
Believe me- we've been there
- for many years-
 angry and frustrated over it all.

However, Covid has showed us  time and time again that...
 It. is. necessary. all. the. same. 
Every child is only afforded ONE childhood.
As the parent, we are the God-given adult responsible to steward and care for it. 

Covid doesn't make it any easier.

However, because I am willing to learn this lesson now...

I am becoming a stronger, more humble mom and servant leader.
My kids are becoming more secure and self-aware of their thoughts and actions.
And, my family is growing into heart people and not just hard workers. 

So, I pause today as a parent- as many times as needed.
To keep the good vibes going.
We. are. all. more. whole. people. because. of. it!
So, Thank you Jesus!

Now that I know,
There is no looking back!
Thanks for reading!
Love, Always,


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