Mo' Money To Solve Problems: The NEW Teacher Moms Side Hustle To Do Our Jobs

Dear Readers-
I need your help with sharing this post to gain monetary support for hardworking teacher moms trying to serve their students in the classroom and still be with their own kids at home.
Please spread the word and share.

I am writing this post at 12:56 am after falling asleep on the floor by my one year old son's toddler bed in the room he shares with his 5 year old sister and 3 year old brother ALL WHILE the baby sleeps in his own room.

I. am. a. mom. of. 4. little kids. and. I. teach. Title. One. *fancy slogan for low-income serving schools

If you have never walked into a Title One teacher's classroom, you could probably look around and see more than half of the stuff in the room was bought with personal money.

That's how much we care about our jobs.  That's just how much we care- PERIOD.
Now, as a teacher, when you signed up to teach Title One,  
you know that was going to be part of the job.

But, when you become a mother  supporting your own kids,
It's a constant struggle to continue purchasing classroom items when our OWN families could use the funds elsewhere.

Why do we continually need to buy things?

Because teaching demands in the classrooms are HIGH and the the means to meet ALL students needs are LOW.

There are just growing gaps all around ME each year teaching- from  academics to social-emotional.
I'm held accountable to meet them ALL.
It's quite hard. most of the time.
But, I enjoy it.

SO, Enter in the website,  It's a website for teachers to create classroom projects to get funding for their classrooms.

It's this teacher mom's only avenue to gain support for big purchases for the classroom.

Teacher moms are a dying breed-  especially moms of young children.
With time costs, childcare costs, and classroom costs, lots of teacher moms can't afford to stay in the classroom and work.

Please support those of us who still have a fighting chance!  
Our students will benefit from the materials but our families will too.
You would give us all peace of mind  going to work and coming back home to our babies.
Thanks in advance!
*truly from the bottom of this mom's heart.

These are the links to the teacher moms' projects from my school that have been posted this summer.  Thanks for the read and the support!

1.  Hi!  It's Me, Crystal Goins, and my two projects-  (1) Giving Kids Space to Think and Work and (2) Bringing Play Back into the Classroom

2.  This is Ashley Lawrence.  She just had her second baby last May and has a rising kindergartener coming to BM Williams with my daughter.  She teaches Kindergarten with me at my school and she needs an organizer for class books.  The last three years of teaching before the baby, she waited tables on the side to make extra money even with her daughter at home.

Click the link below to support.

Our Favorite Books

3.  This is Katherine Matthews.  She is returning back to BM Williams for her second year.  She taught 1st grade last year and is coming back to Kindergarten to teach with Ashley and I.  She needs a carpet to accommodate a larger class.  She has a three year old son at home and she is a rock star mom cause her husband works weird hours- cause he's in law enforcement.  She "moms" solo lots of the time and spends time at home with her son and/or while he is sleeping creating and making teacher stuff.

Click the link below to support.
4.  This is Melissa White.  She is the OG mom of 4.  They range from high school to rising 1st grade. Her kids keep her looking young, but we all know she has to be tired (Ha.)!  She has some baseball playing boys who keep her schedule busy with games and travel.  She loves it though- so help her out!  She needs tablets for  a technology center.  Each classroom especially in Kindergarten isn't given much access to technology other than the computer lab, our teacher laptop, and two desktops *if we are lucky.

Click the link below to support.
5.  This is Becky Liakos.  She is a mother of 3 young kids (including a set of twins).  She is going into her 4th year teaching Pre- Kindergarten.  She would like some floor lamps and light covers to make a warmer, calmer environment for her students.  Four year olds naturally have energy, but the whole school thing can be overwhelming to get used too.

Click the link below to support.
Welcome Preschoolers!

On Behalf of all of us-  Thanks for reading and supporting our jobs!

*Disclaimer-  These women highlighted in this post did not ask me to write this.
I think they are awesome and I just wanted to include them- because it takes courage to ask for money.  Believe me I know.  I'm proud of you women!  Thanks for being brave!

With Love. Always,


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