My "Relationship" Driven Life
Dear Readers-
Today I had an ah ha moment...
Today I had an ah ha moment...
I am driven by relationships in my life.
I am- officially- okay with it.
By now, you should know how much I value people and really honor them as a gift (*blessing) in my life. It's been a learned attitude that fits more of my character as a woman of God, but also just as a sister, daughter, wife, mother, colleague, mentor, and friend.
You just can't build this world up for ANY good without good company.
Bottom Line.
You. can. only. go. as. far. as. the company. you. keep. will. let . you.
When I was a kid, I never dreamed past my career. My mom and dad came from the Philippines and new opportunity came through education. So, I was always driven to get the degree that was going to get me the job that was going to pay me the salary so I can afford to sustain a life with a house, a family, etc. There was nothing wrong with this dream, but, at 22, when I achieved it, It didn't feel like it was enough.
So, I kept searching.
The search lasted over 10 years. It landed me a couple of part time jobs, a boyfriend then husband, a LOT of moves, kids, more jobs (just unpaid), and more kids.
At times, I thought I had hit it big- found my place of fulfillment- but, it always seemed short-lived. I struggled with either feeling different then everybody else or just lonely.
Now it's been a couple of years, with the same people, and, officially, settled into a home (long-term we think) for over a year as of last week. I feel- safe enough to admit- it's the relationships I keep NOW that are most important.
In this season of life, I declare - My RELATIONSHIPS ARE MY PRIORITIES!
I'm driven to protect them and honor them any chance I get!
Here's my list in order:
1. My relationship with God - through faith in Jesus and the lead of the Holy Spirit
2. My relationship with my husband- as companion and co-parent
3. My relationships with my kids- as nurturer and trainer
4. My relationships with my extended family- as daughter and sister
5. My relationships with my friends- as listener, encourager, and helping hand
I value all of these relationships in my life and am SO thankful for them. Because I have them, I feel open to ANY of life's possibilities and really have maintained A LOT of joy in the midst of transition and change.
I am currently in the middle of of two lifestyle changes- (1) clean eating/meal prep and (2) exercise. This is my first time in years, not being pregnant and I am very AWARE how worn out my body is and how poor I eat. Raising small kids and working means a lifestyle of body neglect and convenience eating. So, to stay healthy, keep up with my kids, and model a healthier way of living, I am committed to figuring these things out for my family's future.
If I don't take care of myself, how am I going to benefit the ones I love.
If I don't take care of the ones I love, how am I going to sustain the good company.
Life- it's a group effort.
Better spent living, loving, and learning together.
Thanks for being in my life guys!
With Love. Always,
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