Rest in the Now = Having a Peace of Mind

Dear Readers-
It's the new Buzz word.
I first encountered it in a professional development about three years ago that taught us how to include mindfulness in the classroom.  Then, it led us into the study of a growth mindset which praises effort rather than performance.
Now, as an adult, I think it's my definition of rest.  

My family grew up associating rest with no work, sleep, vacations, "me" time, and an occasional pampering service- pedicure, manicure, and/or massage.

By God's grace, I still get small pockets of time in my life where I can still enjoy some of those restful luxuries, but, as I get older, they become harder to include in the schedule.
I. get. too. busy. to. include. rest.

Responsibilities at home and work are high Monday through Friday because of daily needs.
If we add the occasional family event or birthday party over the weekend, we have a completely full schedule seven days a week.

This is the norm in modern day America.
For me, sometimes, I can't stand it without pockets of rest.

Rest, for me, has evolved into time and space I put aside to be by myself to BREATHE, THINK, PRAY, and TALK TO GOD.

I used to chug through my busy schedule or list of "to dos" fixating (more like dreaming) on a restful pleasure like a nap or a manicure I could schedule that would give me SOME relief. 

However, countless times, I'll go through weeks where those things just don't work out with the kids schedule.  When I finally get to do it, months down the road,  I feel instantly good, but then instantly disappointed.  My nail would chip or the tired feeling comes back because one nap wasn't enough.

That's. why. this. summer. I. have. convinced. myself. that...

Rest is A Peace of Mind.
I have to..
Constantly protect it.
Constantly engage in it.
Constantly have the Mindset to just do it.

When I feel the most overwhelmed with the schedule to come, it's my "go to" have to- to. survive. in. my. mind. and. heart.

I feel overwhelmed with my schedule a lot when I think about all the responsibilities that come with it.
That's when I need Jesus the most- to calm my heart and mind- in the midst of it.
Sometimes, I don't know how to tackle or approach it.
So, enter in the Holy Spirit, and he directs my next steps.

It's kind of a weird state of affairs in America  because everyone is busy.  

The "paperless" world  has everyone busy either in the virtual world, real world, or both.

I pray for a Peace of Mind as I walk through each day.
I pray for it for everyone around me too.
Busyness might be unavoidable with this life.
But, at the end of the day, the goal is sanity not productivity.
That's my hope for  everyone.

With Love. Always,


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