Living Beyond Cute: When Kids Grow Up with Family Values, They Strive For More in Life Than Just Being Cute
Dear Readers,
Today was my very first snow day of 2020
and school was closed!
All of my coworkers will let you know-
we. needed. this.
As I wait on baby #5, I have felt more gratitude and joy in the moments I get to spend with #1-4 before the baby's arrival. Watching and being with them really fuels the peace amongst the erratic changes of pregnancy.
I. really. love. kids.
I. really. LOVE. my. kids.
Because of Ben and them, I have my own family.
That statement alone makes me all humble inside.
I write this blog with a heavy heart as a mother and teacher because living in two worlds- the real world and the social media world really distorts what family is suppose to be.
I'm not talking about blended, same sex parents, single-parent, married, unmarried, adopted, etc.
I mean the aspect of family being more than an obligation, conversation starter, post, instagram picture, or tweet.
Family was always meant to be where people first learn respect and responsibility.
Unconditional Love- can be taught so well in the context of family.
Imagine how secure and loved any individual would be if he/she experienced unconditional love.
People were always meant to be seen and heard- in the real world.
I miss the days where families valued getting to know each other, spending time with each other, and listening to each other.
I miss the days where it was more than okay to MAKE a family member do something or go somewhere just because it was important to one or all of us.
I miss the days of families that would be in the same room with each other or around the dinner table WITHOUT devices so they could actually talk.
I miss the days of families that actually value eating together at meals.
I see our families being lost to entertainment and convenience.
As a mom and teacher, I choose not to head in that direction with my husband and kids.
Even my 3rd child, is a victim of "cute"- where everyone around him in public pays him attention and gives into everything he wants. He was at an in home daycare before starting school at 2, so he had never experienced such attention before. When he wasn't getting the same royal treatment at home, he has thrown some defiant moments or whiny tantrums.
We. don't. give. into. it.
We always remind him that we are a family and everyone's heart matters in the room.
We let him know he's not a bad person, but he did not treat us well.
We forgive him and still love him. We always tell him He's better than that and the Lord is still growing his heart.
Today, as tired as I was... I couldn't help but want to spend our first snow day in a long time together.
We slept in until almost 7.
We made french toast together in the kitchen.
We played in the snow- (super windy and uncomfortable).
Then, went our separate ways for errands and doctor appointments.
Nap time- hot. mess. with only 1 real napper.
Play time in the playroom for the rest of the night.
Leftover pizza for dinner around the table.
Then, early to bed for "Book Night"
Which is just Ben and I reading them each a story and Reagan reading to us now too.
Since she's been watching me blog and write my book, she's been writing short stories of her own too.
The last one was about how much she loved her family.
Warmed my heart- Keep the vibe alive, baby girl.
Thanks for reading!
Love. Always,
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