Time: It's My Motivator Not My Enemy
Dear Readers,
I came home fired up after hearing a sermon tonight called, The Sound of Revival.
I needed to hear that word to really settle my heart and soul on a lot of personal things popping up in my head lately.
Here was the thing that stuck out for me the most-
My. God. is. the God. of. the. present.
*Mind Blown*
See, he introduced the sermon on how (we) people are so self-centered either getting caught up in our past experiences (whether failures or glory days) or stressed out with the future (known and unknown)- that we totally miss the opportunity to let the Lord be lord in our present circumstances.
Last year, I felt the weight of all of that- constantly thinking of my past and future through marriage counseling and many changes at home and work.
The Sunday before New Years, I received a prophetic word spoken at church that 2019 was like a fog and to not be discouraged because 2020 was going to be when the Lord reveals His clear vision for my life.
Since then, I've been living on that promise with steadfastness and boldness that I have never had before.
I didn't understand what had changed, but now I understand completely.
Time became my motivator rather than my enemy.
I started each day with an urgency to just love and do the Lord's best.
I really didn't want to carry the burdens of what went wrong in the past or wish I was the person I was when I thought of myself as "my best". I really wanted to stop trying to figure and re-configure my future plans and expectations. Some things can't be preplanned and when I do- I really choke any Jesus out of it.
I was done being miserable in the waiting for time to pass until my next calling or assignment.
So, I don't even entertain the thoughts like that anymore.
I wake up and think- What can I do now? Who am I called to love today?
This year, I have a new TA and I've had to train her on all my routines. It's been super humbling and rewarding to go through the training for myself because I feel like I recommitted myself to all my practices and procedures- all over again.
I. am. a big. believer. in. using. a daily. schedule. board.
It's a big pocket chart that maps out the order of scheduled activities throughout our work day. We change the cards out each morning together with the class and we move a pencil clothes pin to mark what we are doing as the day goes along. It is so effective and necessary for young learners to see and manipulate their schedule for many reasons. One of the reasons is for self-motivation.
I can't tell you how many times, a child comes in the room and first says- Today is _____. We have ____ today. Then, as the day goes on, I always see them glance at the board to see how many cards aways until we do ______ (writing, math, science, lunch, recess, etc.)
Time. was. always. meant. to. be. a. natural. motivator.
It was meant to give us the freedom to live our present lives.
I'm seen great things come out of me with my new perspective of time.
I hope to allow the Lord to continue to work in me!
Thanks for reading!
Love. Always,
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