A Teacher/ Parent/ Wife of a Physician's PLEA: Don't Make Me Work During the Pandemic Closing
Dear Readers-
I. am. ALL. SORTS. of. FIRED UP.
Which has prevented me from falling asleep since I lay my head down 3 hours ago...
I. know. this. is. just. a platform. to be. heard.
But, someone has to say it aloud to the public.
Teachers. are. humans. too.
Outside of our jobs, we HAVE families.
Outside of our jobs, we maybe raising our own kids.
Outside of our jobs, we may have spouses or a loved one we care and go home to.
In a global pandemic, REALLY. school. can. wait.
The last three and half years, I have marveled at the fact that I have been able to keep up with working and having four small (almost five) small kids at home. I accredit everything to Jesus and the other wonderful caregivers, family, and teachers who have helped me keep my job and work when I need to work.
Well, due to healthy social distancing, I don't have any of those supports to truly "work" consistently.
Honestly, I feel lots of parents are in the same category I am in.
Even if they can go out and do their job as normal because they have an in-home caregiver, he/she still doesn't have time for school because school is when they are at work.
To put the pressures of school remotely is probably just as stressful for the parent as it is for the teacher.
Technology is a gift, but it's not always so straightforward to figure out. My husband and I practiced conferencing with "Zoom" with each other. He was in his closet and we were fiddling with all the buttons. Even then, it was more of a " got to get used to this" feeling rather than confident assurance.
In the midst of a pandemic, when do I, the teacher/parent/spouse, get to think about my own health and the health of my family?
By no means am I saying that I will holt contact and support to my parents and students during the closing. In fact, I post often in our Class Dojo app and I even made a parent survey to check in on what their needs are. I just want to do just that for them. Support, love, enrich, and check up on them.
I can tell even in this week's communication-
WE. are. all. stressed. out.
When I talked to a parent on the phone today, she said "We are good. We are just trying to figure things out."
Well, I think that sums up how everyone feels.
I am VERY faithful with my job and any of my coworkers can attest- I'm an "above and beyond type of girl." However, the only thing that has ever kept me out of the classroom has been the needs of my family or my own health. If I don't show up at school, it's because of three reasons: (1) I'm sick, (2) I just had a baby or (3) one of my children is sick.
Bottom Line.
Even as a parent- give me one less thing to worry about during this global crisis.
All of the last minute decisions and day by day updates only increases anxiety because we can't fully plan the rest of our lives.
So, it would be helpful to set a date or end the school year.
Just make a decision so we can plan our families accordingly.
Daily, the cases of the virus are increasing and my husband is a physician working with sick people Monday through Friday. We have conversations about how we would quarantine him for two weeks in the guest room and I manage the house and kids by myself. Right now, all the buzz with teaching is "remote learning," but in a crisis- should that really be where our heads and hearts linger if you value teacher's lives too?
Before the pandemic, our jobs were already stressful and many teachers struggled with self-care because of the demands of the job.
Now that we are in a pandemic, with the rest of the world, can someone think about our mental health and well being too?
I know it's a common thought in my head.
I'll do my best to do the job like I always do.
However, sometimes, I'm just appalled on how unjust it can be at times.
Educators. lives. matter. too.
Jesus- I know you hear me.
Carry Us All.
With Love. Always,
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