COVID Day 3: I “Donut” Quit!
Dear Readers,
I knew it was coming...
Yesterday was a dream...
which meant today-
was. not.
Ha. so typical.
But, overall, we are still healthy and safe.
So all is good.
I call today's post- I "Donut" Quit.
I mean-
Really, I don't really EVER quit on much.
I'm too stubborn.
But, I am preparing my "ME" space for Remote Learning videos
if needed.
Around this time of the year, I always release my Donut Themed Student Work rubric so I had all of these things (including the stickers) in my classroom.
I call quality work "Sprinkle" work.
I tell my students "DONUT QUIT."
You. Can. Do. It.
As I put the decorations up today, I find them inspirational for me too because I need to have that "DONUT QUIT" mentality through this quarantine season and the anxiety of still "working" and caring for my kids at home. Today, NOTHING worked out too easily- it was almost comical.
By the afternoon, I was NOT defeated, but exhausted.
On top of that, I officially am in the editing process and paid more $$$ to work with the pros on developing my book to be its best. Totally excited and optimistic.
Totally nervous and scared at the same time too!
I trust the Lord has promise for me to finish and share what He has given me.
I pray this "DONUT Quit" attitude carries me through this process.
I still have a couple of months work invested in this product, but when I release my book- it will be permanently mine and permanently shared.
I don't plan to take the responsibility lightly so I am opening my mind and heart to be prayerful, constructive, and productive in this weird uncertain time.
Here are the pictures of today!
The final room decor...

Our Family Walk- Well, we couldn't really keep up with ONE steady pace for everyone! it was lots of stop, go, COME BACK repeat
This was my only picture from school today! Jude did his first work with me with puzzles.
School. Well the work was eventually done, but Reagan was the only one in the mood for "school". Wyatt fell on the ground and tantrumed before his lesson even started. Reggie lingered and lingered and tried his best to avoid his work. But- like I said- all was done at the end.
I think my saving grace was an errand I had to run for some of my students and the promise of drive thru Chik Fila for lunch.
Well, Chik Fila was a treat in theory until I got home and realized we didn't have any salad dressing, no juice boxes with kids meals, and I asked for ice cream cups instead of toys and I got 2 toys and just 2 ice cream cups.
Even before finding out all of that, the sun came out when we pulled in so we tried to set up the chik fila like an outdoor picnic. I brought out their kids table on the front sidewalk and set all their food out. Came in to get my food and Reggie comes in crying and wyatt is screaming because of a BUMBLE BEE. So, end result, a picnic by the window at the coffee table instead. By the time we sat to eat our treat, our fries were cold haha- we made the best of it.
After that, I decided to just throw in the towel with "plans". I knew with Chik Fila in their bellies and a boring ride in the car- no nap was really going to happen so we enjoyed playtime outside with balls, a bubble machine, and some music. for awhile- until they got sweaty and tired. Then, we all napped. It took Reggie a good 20 minutes and me carrying him past the bushes for him to join us outside but we just played until we just felt like coming in.
They pretty much napped until 4:00.
They woke up in
Enough time for a movie and then dinner.
Some tablet time and a show for mommy.
They ended the night sharing that "ice cream" from Chikfila and their bedtime routine.
I snuck away to my freedom room to write here, do some work, and just have some "think" time for myself today.
I'm still thankful for today and the days to come.
"DONUT QUIT"- It's my adopted mantra for this crazy season in my life.
Love. Always,
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