Open Mic Night: I Am Woman Hear Me- ROAR!

Dear Readers,

My most memorable piece of advice from my sister, Babe, came to me in First grade.  It was over a recess dilemma where the boys on the playground kept asking me to play chase with them.  I was too shy and didn't know what to say every time they asked.
My sister said something along the lines of-  " Don't be scared Crystal.  You can do it.  Just say ok and run after them screaming "I AM WOMAN.  HEAR ME ROAR!" So, the next day and for many days afterwards, that is exactly what I did.  I chased after all the boys on the playground yelling at them- " I AM WOMAN.  HEAR ME ROAR!"
All the boys thought it was funny- like they were running from a monster.
I felt empowered  to overcome a fear I faced almost daily.
I accredit this memory as my first encounter with my personal voice.
I. believe. every. woman. has. one.
I believe. every. woman. is. worthy. to. use. it.

As I continue to explore this journey of self-discovery, I am constantly faced with the same themes or threads that greatly impact my life.   (1) faith, (2)  family,  (3) race/culture, (4) adversity and (5) voice.

Voice is the ability to express what you think and feel aloud. To validate your voice is to be honest with yourself that you are human.  In quarantine, I've used my voice many of times usually after a spell of crying.   In doing so, I have given myself permission to cope, feel, and think as I do aloud.  My husband hears me and, through this blog, you hear me.  For that, I do not store any bitterness or anxiety inside.  I am able to assess myself and create healthier  boundaries and prayers for the upcoming hard moments.

For me, being a woman and freeing myself to be honest aloud, is a new milestone achieved in my life.    The old me thought it meant I was a stronger woman for keeping it inside and telling myself- it wasn't a big deal or "man up" essentially.  In my experience, this leads to more damage and self-loathing.  So, I'd rather be awkward now (like the girl screaming on the playground) and feel stronger later.

My sisters can give great advice sometimes.
The ROAR story  has resurfaced for new purpose.
Thanks Babe!
With Love. Always,


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