My Dreams of Joy For A Grieving Nation

Dear Readers,

I declare JOY in the atmosphere this morning for our nation.
Change is a brewing.
Change can be a GOOD thing as long as we open our hearts and minds to LEARN and BE part of the change.
Because racism is horrific- it's OK- for our nation to be in mourning over it's existence.
It's more than OK- It's a step in the right direction.
Social media is a platform for voiced opinions- but don't lose heart- 

Own. your. own. response.
Give. yourself. time. to. digest. your. feelings.
Ask Questions. Research. Learn. 
Just. STAY. present.

If the issue continues to plague your heart as a personal burden, allow it to run its course...

Grief will lead to Empathy.
Empathy will lead to:
(1) saved lives
(2)  changed hearts.
(3) and a nation who does more than co-exist.

If you've ever grieved a life UNEXPECTEDLY before-  you would know that feelings of uncertainty,  anger, and sadness are normal.  
First, we grieved a nation struck by a deadly virus.
Now, we grieve a nation rocked by the unlawful deaths of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and Ahmaud Arbery.
It's inevitable that you can't live  your life the same.

It's MORE THAN OK for our nation to live forever changed after this as well.

Change can lead to better for- more people.
 IN THIS CASE-  A specific demographic of people- black people- especially black males.
As a mom, believer, friend, and Title one educator, I am hungry for this change to happen.
I am hungry for  life to be restored and redeemed for my brothers and sisters of color.
I pray their lives are valued more today and everyday to come.
I pray that  their voices  are heard and more people fight for their causes.
I pray for brighter futures.
I pray this nation makes changes that leads to more...
not. oppression.

Joy as an end goal has everyone's benefit in mind.

It's the context of long lasting change and prolonged unity. 
It is not violent, entitled, or revengeful.
It stands alone as a witness of strength, courage, perseverance, and comradery.
It's a mindset of hope for the future.
It's a comfort that- yes, there is ALWAYS "better" than what's currently available.

Joy comes in waiting.
Joy puts others first.
Joy is naturally humbling and sacrificial.
Joy is NOT looking back, but continuously- inch by inch- moving forward.

Right now, every man and woman is faced with the responsibility to act or just react to the current circumstances.
Regardless of which stance you take, your choices will always affect lives around you.
It can lead your heart into joy or it can freeze it into a state of sorrow.
Our nation isn't the only country that struggles with racism.  It's a problem all around the world.
How awesome would it be to become a NATION who leads in it's response to this issue with love and empathy.

How. joyful. it would. be. to. call. ourselves. America.  again.
- The land of the free-

Use your freedom to work towards Joy for all.
2020 has definitely been a memorable year, but I believe our country can come together and grow even stronger.
Big change won't be evident overnight but I hope there are enough people out there who want it to happen.
Continue to seek.
Continue to pray.
Continue to do something about it.
Your participation matters.

Love. Always,


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