Finishing 2020: Silent Rock Climbing

 Dear Readers,

My 2020 is coming to a close and it's been a weird and quite turbulent year- but, I'm still thankful for it.

 I intentionally stayed away from the blog- waiting for the right words to write... and here they are-

I choose silent rock climbing.

The noise of changes, injustices, anger, and fear are everywhere.

But, I choose to be silent.

Silent in terms of not expressing aloud  (Oxford dictionary) to make the noise any louder than it already is.

Really, I choose rock climbing instead.

My rock has always been there and today, through the Bible app's verse of the day,

I was reminded that it still remains.

Since March, I've been praying the blanket prayer of trust in God over my marriage, finances, jobs, kids, and future.  Now, I see that prayer as rock climbing.

Sometimes, my past self amazes my present self-  this is one of those moments.

I found my Rock at the beginning of this pandemic- now I'm ready to climb and cling to it for the sake of my life and the lives of those around me.

When I rock climb, I trust.

When I'm silent, well, that's the only time I'm brave enough to climb.

My words and the noise of the world can be a mini- jail cell  at times.

No rock climbing there.

So, even though I have more unanswered questions than solutions; more mess than organization, and more responsibilities than time-  I will not waiver in my pursuit to keep on climbing.

Today, I celebrate where rock climbing has taken me.

1.   I have a (day early) three week old and we survived our first week home alone together.  This is what my virtual classroom looks like on maternity leave.

This is what I do with my time. Hold and nurse the baby- and I do it without guilt.

2.  I finished all my course work for my first two doctorate courses and am passing.

3.  I started a new journal on my phone because too much is happening everyday that I can't control. 
When I feel anxious about something, I add it to the list- and keep on climbing.

4.  Lastly, my book returned for a finale round of editing before it goes for a Quality Review.  I've already seen personal growth from the last edit- so I'm excited to see where the Lord takes me with this round.

Rock climbing and being silent-
Well, together, they are my remedy for survival and my contribution to this world.
I can't change much going on and so my words won't always help.
All I have is faith in Jesus Christ.
So, the most logical thing for me to do is trust God is still in control.

Thanks for reading! Enjoy your weekend!
Love. Always,


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