Finishing 2020: Silent Rock Climbing
Dear Readers,
My 2020 is coming to a close and it's been a weird and quite turbulent year- but, I'm still thankful for it.
I intentionally stayed away from the blog- waiting for the right words to write... and here they are-
I choose silent rock climbing.
The noise of changes, injustices, anger, and fear are everywhere.
But, I choose to be silent.
Silent in terms of not expressing aloud (Oxford dictionary) to make the noise any louder than it already is.
Really, I choose rock climbing instead.
My rock has always been there and today, through the Bible app's verse of the day,
I was reminded that it still remains.
Since March, I've been praying the blanket prayer of trust in God over my marriage, finances, jobs, kids, and future. Now, I see that prayer as rock climbing.
Sometimes, my past self amazes my present self- this is one of those moments.
I found my Rock at the beginning of this pandemic- now I'm ready to climb and cling to it for the sake of my life and the lives of those around me.
When I rock climb, I trust.
When I'm silent, well, that's the only time I'm brave enough to climb.
My words and the noise of the world can be a mini- jail cell at times.
No rock climbing there.
So, even though I have more unanswered questions than solutions; more mess than organization, and more responsibilities than time- I will not waiver in my pursuit to keep on climbing.
Today, I celebrate where rock climbing has taken me.
1. I have a (day early) three week old and we survived our first week home alone together. This is what my virtual classroom looks like on maternity leave.
This is what I do with my time. Hold and nurse the baby- and I do it without guilt.
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