A Tribute to the (IDKs): The I Don't Knows of Life

 Dear Readers,

Today marks a year since I closed down my classroom due to Covid.  And, through it all, I have learned to fully accept the IDKs (the I. Don't. KNOWs) of life.

The IDKs have taken over my mind as my "new" normal.

That is the  reoccurring theme of my Covid experience.

I don't know much of what's to come..

But, all I know is who I am willing to endure things for... *Jesus*

 and who I want to protect... *my family and loved ones*

With those two things alone... I've surprised myself on how courageous and gritty I really am.

Crazy thing is... I think I can give even more..

Before Covid, I thought 

I. Don't. Know.

was a statement of weakness

But, now, after COVID, I see it as a mantra of..


For me, the year has brought these NEW hopes in my life.

There is hope for the mom who doesn't think she is enough...

There is hope for the woman who wants to still love her family but work...

There is hope for the adult who works and still wants to go to school.

There is hope for the child who is DIFFERENT, yet still wants to be treated KINDly.

There is hope for the educator who wants to still teach kids the simple joys of learning.  

There is hope for marriages- when two people can  endure hard things together and believe in JESUS.

There is hope for equity in education- cause teaching can NOW be a hybrid of in person and virtual.

There is hope for racial reconciliation because racism is something we can now talk about.

There is hope for mental health because  socio-emotional learning exists.

There is HOPE for us all- 

if. you. are.  willing. to. believe. in. it.

In the last year, the world has been more innovative and resilient in the midst of tragedy than any of us really imagined it to be.

Let's make sure to-

keep an open heart and open mind through the changes.

You never know when doom and gloom is around the corner...

But, in that same instance, you might witness a new miracle a brewing. 

 Have grace and patience.

We have generations of little people who still need hope to exist.

So, be hopeful and say,

I. don't. know. anything.

but, I can't wait until I see what comes next!

That's what me and the  kids will be saying from now on...

God, I'm not giving up on you-

the best. is. yet. to. come.

With Love. Always,



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