May is for Asians, Teachers, and Mothers
Oh. May.
I have neglected to celebrate your significance fully through the years...
But. not. in. 2021.
Unknowingly, May celebrates three major parts of my identity-
My Race/Culture.
My Profession.
My Call to Motherhood.
Happy Asian American Heritage Month!
Why is my race so important to me?
As an American, I know our country was founded as Black and White from the beginning. Well, I'm in the category as other. Do you know how many times I've been asked- What are you? Where are you from? Being asked this question a lot has always made me aware that people notice I look different too- even among other groups of Asians. My race. well, it's a physical characteristic of ME- and I celebrate it for myself and my kids.
Culture. What does it mean to me?
Well, that's beyond physical- it's an extension of my morals and values. People who identify as an other race- see and know our nation from a foreigner perspective. I felt most comfortable hanging with minorities growing up, but, unless they were filipino, I didn't always feel like I could 100% relate. It was because of our differences in culture.
If you weren't born in the States, like my parents, you are embedded in the customs and practices of your homeland. My parents raised me with a strong sense of culture from the Philippines- from discipline, values, customs, and traditions. The only thing that they didn't teach me was the language.
Most filipinos frown upon that, but I understand their reasoning. They had been misunderstood or disregarded because of their accents, so they just wanted us to be better.
My dad's famous line growing up was "You are in America. Americans speak English."
Decades later, I fully realize and appreciate my parents' sacrifices to give our family more opportunities to grow.
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!
(May 3-9, 2021)
TEACHERS- This is the year for Appreciation!
I have taken a different approach to Teacher Appreciation Week...
Like a Phoenix, rising from the ashes,
I used Teacher Appreciation Week to reset my mind and heart on who I am as a person and what my purpose and goals are in my life.
This is what I learned...
As a woman, I can multitask and work extremely hard.
Because of this year's juggling around, I know my self-care needs and emotions -far more better now- than ever before. I have breaking points and I need some alone time to recharge. My body is not elastic and it needs maintenance as well. My emotions are real and they come with the package. I am more of a whole person if I can openly express my emotions and talk them out. Sometimes, this means I have to speak up for myself and my hurts when people disrespect or mistreat me. This is new territory for me, but I know it is necessary for good mental health and better future relations with others.
As an educator, I am innovative!
I am far more creative and innovative than I had ever imagined. This year has been a portal to my former self and has opened doors for creative thinking and planning. I will forever remember my Kindergarten virtual team because we were innovative together!
I am STILL more firm on- "smarter not harder"- work habits because the workload on the job only tripled as a virtual teacher. It was my smarter work habits that kept me afloat.
In addition, the world of technology only enhanced my "toolbox" of ways to make teaching and learning more equitable for all students. I can't wait to marry what I learned virtually to the in-person classroom experience. I know the Lord will do great things with what I know now.
As a Christian, I am faith-driven, so I rely on the Holy Spirit as my daily helper. If I didn't have my faith, I...don't even want to finish that statement- It scares me that much.
Through faith, I have big dreams but no real plan or direction for what tomorrow holds or will bring me. In fact, when I plan too much, I get overwhelmed. Everything I have in life is because of Jesus. I am firm on that statement- now- more than ever.
As a wife, I am- more- in love with my husband everyday. I love my husband more through trials and hardships than romantic getaways and gifts. To me, love manifests in a person's commitment towards another individual when things change and get hard. For us, this year, called us to love in more sacrificial ways for the health and well-being of each other and our kids. We are better individuals for it. We are a far closer couple because of it. Lastly, we are parenting more together through it all as well.
Lastly, I learned I'm unique. I have gifts, talents, abilities, and thoughts that are my own. And, that's ok. If I allow myself to dream. I. can. still . be. ME. If I let people dictate my future, I am at the mercy of their thoughts and views of me always. I don't want that type of relationship with anyone outside of the Lord. He has my best interest in mind always, and though, people have good intentions, they can still lead me astray.
Happy Mother's Day!
(May 9, 2021)
MOTHERHOOD. The role in life that keeps on giving.
Maturing into my role as mother- biologically and spiritually- has made me the daughter, disciple, woman, friend, author, blogger, podcaster, student, and educator I am today.
I truly embody the pen name Mother Goins because I have a very motherly perspective to life. My value for others is a gifting that came from the Lord. I have a unique calling to love all people and I don't know why, but I have a drive to pursue that love at any cost. With such high dreams, I value taking care of myself and my boundaries as a woman to do the job properly. Also, I want to be a good mother example to my kids. The two lessons I hope they learn from me include: (1) taking care of people's hearts is important and (2) that following the Lord's plan for your life is the best place to be. I love being a mother. As different as I am in doing it, I still can't imagine living my life any. other. way.
So, this concludes my tribute post to asians, teachers, and mothers!
Thanks for reading!
Love. Always,
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