I’m Not Limited to Where I Come From- How Business Sparks Expansion and Freedom for My Dreams and Heart


Dear Readers,
It's September 26, 2023 and I am in the Atlanta Airport waiting on a plane to go home.  For the first time in nine years, I had flown on a plane and it was not for something someone else asked me to attend.  It was for something I wanted to do for myself:  the Six-figure educator Live Conference hosted by GetLaunched Consulting group with Dr. Erica Jordan Thomas.  IN a room full of black and brown high-performing educators, I found a community who validated my worth to the field of education outside of my hometown.  Man-it feels liberating to know that I'm not alone.

In a room full of powerful educator leaders-present and past principals, teachers, central office administrators, counselors, and school board members, it is hard not to leave inspired.  I witnessed so many of us ready to invest in ourselves in order to invoke positive change in the school systems with God-given talents and gifts that are so unique to only us- as individuals.

With being the minority in most spaces-even amongst other minority and Asian groups...
It. was. SO. critical. for. me. to. experience. and. HEAR.
I. am. enough.
My gifts, talents, and contributions are special to the field of education and Ii have the power to share them-in business- if 
I choose to!
With EJT and her team leading us, we learned the business side of proposals, services, systems, and operations.  With our representation in the educational consultant field, we have the opportunity to revolutionarily show up for causes that matter to us in areas of wellness, literacy, strategic planning, music, math, stem, mindfulness, coaching, classroom management, mentoring, DEI work, and more.  Plus, our businesses come with rich stories behind our work which translates to authentic passion and commission to stat something that ultimately reminds us that we truly can be bigger than we think ourselves to be.

To be in a room where educators of color are given permission to dream abotu generational wealth for us and our families-is powerful.

To be in a room that testifies I do not have to choose between God and making millions-is powerful.

To be in a room full of roaring voices of praise, jokes, affirmations, and hallelujahs- feels amazing!

It was an experience I will never forget and I have already bought my ticket for next year!

For me, my consultant business is going to be my side job.  I still LOVE the classroom and the impact I have in staying in as an Asian American educator mom.  However, I dream of giving my family and friends a beach house to retreat to when they need to get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.  Also, I have NEVER dreamed small in my life.  So, I have two business open:  The Resilient Teacher Mom LLC and TAP (Teachers As Partners) LLC.  The Resilient Teacher Mom is my blog branding, but, also my educational consultant business.  

I specialize in relationship-building in and outside of the classroom.
Under my system, PART, I create spaces and communities where all people belong especially children from marginalized backgrounds.  PART is classroom-tested for over seven years and research-based under the motivational theories of socio-cognitive and socio-cultural theories.
It is supported by my REAL Talk sayings which are 8 positive affirmations that help establish mindsets towards collectivism and growth.

TAP LLC is my second business.  Its details will be shared at a different time, but this post is about being The Resilient Teacher Mom eduprenuer now!

Being an eduprenuer is a new level of faith I have not expereinced before.  Each day that I work on my business is a reminder that I choose to invest in myself and not just other people.  If I invest my money to grow my business, I get to provide services that No one can find anywhere else.  So, I finally get to reap the fruit of my own labor monetarily, but also for Kingdom gain!
Yes, Kingdom GAIN!  I know God is behind the work.
And, I openly give HIM the  glory!
It is also liberating to know I can do God and be an educational expert in my business.  As a strong woman of faith, that is very motivating for me.  My dreams wouldn't exist without His provisions and plans for my life.
So, it feels liberating to not have to hide Him in my work.

Lastly, I have such a clear vision on how I want PART to revolutionarily change how educators approach classroom management in elementary classrooms.  In addition, I hope to inspire educator moms and wives to align to PARt, so they can have more time and mental space for their own relationships at home.  Yes, I know its possible because I have a thriving career and family.  But, only through PART.  Since PART is for everyone, humans feel more whole and connected.  Communities are restored and united.  Schools can be a place both educator and student needs can be fulfilled.  It is my dream for my business to create safe spaces for schools to operate productively, joyfully, and harmoniously.  In those types of schools, anyone can feel valued and learn.

Email me at mothergoins2021@gmail.com if you are interested in knowing more about either business.  I'd love to chat with you on your needs and see how I can help!

With. Love Always,
Crystal Goins
 Follow me on Instagram @theresilientteachermom


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